Problems and Solutions of Crooked Teeth
We at Vasupujya Dental see several kids with crooked teeth problem on a daily basis.
The main problems the children face due to crooked teeth are–
· Improper Oral Hygiene
· Problem in Speech
· Different Chewing Pattern
· Aesthetics
· Pain due to eruption of teeth
And it isn’t their fault !
The only way out of this is to align them in a line to restore the form and function of the jaw is to
If treatment for crooked teeth is started at a young age. It is easier to resolve it because we can take advantage of the child being in the growth phase where the bones are softer and there is a good production of the growth hormones which help in shaping of the jaw in the right direction.
The right age for the treatment of crooked teeth is around8-9 years.
Most parents wait for all the teeth to erupt before coming in for the crooked teeth treatment.
Which isn’t right because the growth hormone secretions are at a decline by then.
So remember we catch them young in the pre pubertal phase and watch their beautiful smiles go wider as they grow.