How to treat an infected dental pulp?

How to treat an infected dental pulp?

How to treat an infected dental pulp?


The treatment depends on the extent to which the pulp is damaged. If only the upper part of the pulp is infected and the damage has not reached the roots then a Pulp Therapy is advised.


The infection is removed, tooth is cleaned followed by a filling and finally sealing it off with a cap.


At Vasupujya Dental we always aim to save the tooth but incases where the damage has reached the roots of the tooth and there isn’t enough structure left to save in the roots of the tooth then a tooth extraction is advised.


No matter what treatment is done either a Pulp Therapy or an Extraction the main aim is to restore and infection free state in the child’s mouth.


Having good oral health is really important !!


Milk teeth are really important and worth saving because they play a crucial role in the development of a child.

So never wait to treat and infected tooth just come to Vasupujya Dental and we shall take care of the rest.



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