When we consume foods which contain sugar and starch acids are created when plaque bacteria break down sugar in your mouth. This makes the environment of the mouth acidic.The acidic environment causes the enamel to demineralize (weakening of the enamel).
Basically whenever food remains stuck to the tooth for a long time it causes harm to the toot h
Chalky white spots are a sign of demineralization of the enamel. If the process of demineralization continues these spots turn yellow followed by brown and eventually black.
If the process of demineralization continues it eventually ends up making a hole in the surface of the enamel(Cavities).
This damage caused to the enamel continues go further and damage the dentin and subsequently the pulp (nerve) of the tooth.
Now the question arises how to prevent this from happening?
The answer is fluoride. Fluoride helps in the re-mineralization of the enamel.
In India most of us have water purifiers at home. The purifier removes the necessary amount of fluoride along with the other substances.
The lack of fluoride makes the teeth cavity prone because fluoride helps in the re-mineralization and the lack of it can cause damage.
The solution to the problem of lack of fluoride has 2 parts
1. Clinic Care
2. At Home Care
Both Clinical Therapy and At Home Care together ensure a cavity free mouth.
Both of them are incomplete without each other.
Clinic Care
Clinic Care is called Topical Fluoride Application!
Fluoride Ion helps in there-mineralization of the enamel i.e. it gives it strength and protects the enamel from getting decayed by the attack of the bacteria.
Fluoride application is a 10 min procedure which is just like applying nail paint on your nails.
Topical Fluoride Application is a kind of Tooth Vaccine against cavities.
Like other Vaccines Topical Fluoride Application also has a Schedule which is to be followed.
For the first year Fluoride Application should be done every 4months.
And for the Second year Fluoride Application it should be done every 6 months.
The fluoride therapy will help in forming a protective layer over the tooth making the enamel cavity resistant.
The substance which is used to apply on to the tooth is called Fluoride Varnish.
The way varnish is used to protect the wood to make the furniture long lasting the same way fluoride varnish is used to protect the tooth.
Fluoride Varnish is a solution of 0.41% Sodium Fluoride.
At Home Care
At home care includes brushing twice daily with a fluoridated tooth paste.
If you miss brushing the teeth at night the food which is consumed throughout the day remain stuck to the teeth to your teeth and harm the tooth the entire night.
We have to prevent the bacteria from sticking to the teeth.
So to sum it up don’t miss your timely appointments for topical fluoride application and don’t skip brushing your teeth at night.
This will ensure a happy and cavity free smile.
At Vasupujya Dental we don’t just want our patients to heal we want them to be aware of what they are facing and want to equip them with the correct knowledge of maintaining a cavity free healthy mouth.