Can I drive post Laughing Gas Sedation?

Can I drive post Laughing Gas Sedation?

The answer is YES!You can drive post Laughing Gas Sedation.

The effect of the laughing gas is quick but so is the wearing off of the effect. It takes around 2 minutes for the effect to happen and 2 minutes wear off.

At Vasupujya Dental we have centralized Nitrous Oxide(Laughing Gas) channels.  Which helps us provide the facility of Conscious Sedation i.e. Laughing Gas inhalation on all of our dental chairs.


Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, is a safe and effective sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose. It’s used to help you relax.


 Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) is a colorless and odorless gas.


Nitrous oxide is administered by inhalation,absorbed by diffusion through the lungs, and eliminated via respiration.


At Vasupujya Pediatric Dental Hospital we recommend to use laughing gas to make your child more comfortable during certain procedures.


It doesn’t put you to sleep, so you can hear and respond to any requests or directions the dentist may have for you.


 If you have an excessive fear or anxiety when it comes to going to the dentist, laughing gas may be a great way to help you relax.


Its effect

There are three effects in the working mechanism of laughing gas.

1.     It reduces anxiety, taking away your fear.

2.     It kills pain, so the procedure won’t hurt.

3.     It creates euphoria, so you feel all kinds of good.

When your dentist administers laughing gas, they’ll ask you to breathe normally through your nose.

In a few minutes,you’ll start to feel the effects.


You may feel light-headed, or you may feel a tingling sensation in your arms and legs.


It takes about two minutes for the effects to wear off once you stop breathing in the nitrous oxide.


Laughing Gas has very few and minor side effects like sweating, vomiting, headache, shivering which are not commonly seen.


Basically, while inhaling the laughing gas one is awake but less aware of the procedure. This helps in making the child more cooperative while carrying out the procedure.


At Vasupujya Dental we have centralized Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) channels.  Which helps us provide the facility of Conscious Sedation i.e. Laughing Gas inhalation on all of our dental chairs.


Vasupujya Dentalis the place for dental treatments because we not only want to give your child a healthy smile but want our patients to not fear the dentist or dental appointments.


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