Stainless Steel Crown

Stainless Steel Crown

What are pediatric dental caps?

A dental crown is a restoration that covers or “caps” a tooth, restoring it to its normal size and shape while strengthening it and protecting it from further cracking or breakage. Tooth crowns are necessary when a tooth is broken down to the point where a filling won’t be effective. In addition, dental crowns are often needed following a pediatric root canal, wherein part of the baby tooth’s nerve has been removed.

Stainless steel crowns for children’s teeth can preserve more of the tooth structure than other types of crowns. They withstand biting and chewing forces well and rarely chip or break. These crowns are preformed based on the average size of the baby back teeth, making it easily fit and seemingly faster job than doing a tedious procedure.

The biggest drawback of stainless steel crowns is their metallic color. They are ideal for a child’s rear teeth that are not visible, but if dental crowns are necessary for a front tooth Zirconia crowns are the ideal choice.

Once numbed, our pediatric dentists will shape the affected tooth to the necessary form before introducing the appropriate type of dental crown, which is designed to fit tightly over it.

This is done with specially equipped Laughing gas sedation units for each chair so that child’s experience is minimally invasive and fun-loving.

Then the tooth crown will be cemented into place.

After the pediatric dental crown procedure, children will be advised to avoid hard or sticky foods in order to prevent fractures to the crown.

Depending on the type of crown used, the dental restoration may stay intact until the baby tooth falls out naturally, or it may need to be replaced.

This dental restoration stays intact until the baby tooth falls out naturally.