Digital X-Ray

Digital xray


Digital sensors capture detailed x-ray images with a fraction of the exposure found in traditional film x-rays.

Technological advancements in x-ray technology provide multiple benefits, from safety to improved treatment results.


  • Safety - Although traditional dental films require minimal radiation for image development, our digital x-ray system provides unsurpassed safety: up to 90% reduction compared to most older film-based systems.
  • Time Savings – Images captured instantly with a digital sensor lessen the time you spend in the dental chair. Also in case of a full mouth X-Ray (OPG) the child needs to be still only once which makes it easier for the parents and the dentist to handle them.
  • Better Outcomes - Improved image clarity increases the dentist’s ability to diagnose and treat conditions. Software tools bring detailed magnification and detection tools into focus.


We have a portable X-Ray at our clinic which comes in handy when we want to take a X-Ray of a few teeth. The portable X-Ray requires minimal radiation for image development making it very safe for children.


An OPG is a full mouth X-Ray. There are many advantages of an OPG. An OPG demonstrates the number, position and growth of all the teeth including those that have not yet surfaced or erupted through the gum, low patient radiation dose, convenience of examination for the patient as it captures all the teeth in one go, short time required for producing the image, useful visual aid in patient education.

An OPG is a good option for taking a child’s X-Ray because the child doesn’t have to cooperate for multiple X-Rays because all the teeth are captured in one shot.